This has been a challenging yet exciting year for URG.
We’ve had to contend with massive bushfires and Covid-19.
We now have our new boat in the water and operational and the dive calendar is pretty busy – can always do with some more convenors.
Our membership has grown and we’re looking good for the coming year.
We didn’t do as many boat dives over the last 12 months largely due to Covid and the transition to the new boat.
23 boat dives, around half what we did last year.
It’s hard to say how many shore dives, but we’ve been pretty active particularly with RLS and debris shore dives.
Thanks to everyone who contributes – divers in the water and convenors are our lifeblood.
New boat is a 7 m Cape Cat, and thanks to many volunteer hours by Pablo, Josh B, JV and others it’s set up really well.
It took 40 mins to drive it from the marina up to Sydney Harbour for RLS this year.
Fast and seaworthy, so we can go further afield over the coming year.
Events and Research
Whilst some of our plans were thwarted eg Jervis Bay, we did get lots of Sydney RLS done this year – more than usual in fact.
71 surveys over 31 sites – thanks to Josh, Kris, Lou, Martin and some help with boat drivers and sitters
Sea Slug Census last November
Weedy Seadragon program – has been a bit quiet but will look to re-activate it in coming months
Marine debris surveys – several dives feeding in to UNSW research, thanks Kathy
Social has been a bit quiet as we haven’t had access to the Oaks room. Will re-commence once we get the go ahead.
Media and submissions
Six Bulletins this year – aim is to get back to monthly, but we need content
Converted our web site over to Wix – thanks Rianti!
Web search “Dive club Sydney” we come up third; #1, 2 and 4 are dive shops
Facebook – changed to public Group; 171 members. Quite active – 11 posts in September so far – but some more would be good
thank Josh, will read report next
Membership and Committee
Membership – we have 69 members – 14 of whom are new to the club over the last year.
Big thanks to Committee over last year – kept the organisation on track even though we haven’t been able to meet over a beer in recent months. Big thanks to Denise, John V, Lou, Josh B, Duncan, Pablo
I’m standing down as President after 5 great years but will remain on the committee as Research Officer.
2020 Committee nominations – refer to returning officer after Josh B.
And to finish, some photos from a glorious day out doing RLS in July - photos by John Turnbull:
Report by: John Turnbull