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From the Archives - MAY 1964

By Michael Abbott

A recent addition to the group’s equipment is a 17 foot boat and out-board motor. The group was able to secure this at a very reasonable price and after some minor renovations will be available for members use on a roster system. It should hold at least 6 divers and equipment, and through its use the group hopes to considerably extend its diving activities.

The fish shelters at Congwong Bay, on which a number of research projects were under-way, were unfortunately badly damaged by the very heavy seas running earlier in April. They will be rebuilt and cemented into position as soon as possible.

Attention is drawn to the "subject preference" forms now being compiled. If you have not yet filled one in, please do so tonight. Forms are available at the committee table and are self explanatory.

Many members no doubt read with interest the article in the Sunday Telegraph dealing with Clarrie Lawlers discovery and observations of the tropical cleaner prawns (Stenopus hispidus) in Congwong Bay. These were kept under observation each week-end for 8 months and eventually sent to the museum. The results of the observations provided a definite scientific "first" in this field and congratulations go out to Clarrie for his work.

Clarrie Lawler

On Sunday 26th. April, a group of U.R.G. divers carried out a salvage operation off Bare Island, La Perouse. A cache of very old army shells had previously been discovered by the U.R.G. and the Randwick Historical Society, which now controls Bare Island, was informed. They were most anxious to secure the shells for their museum and the U.R.G. was able to supply the divers for the job. A representative selection was salvaged and presented to the Historical society. Needless to say it was first ascertained that the shells were no longer in a dangerous condition. The Historical Society will be able to supply more details on the type and origin of these shells later, but it is believed that they are at least 60 years old. They contained large numbers of lead shot and had the unusual feature of a wooden nose cap. These shells can be examined on Sundays at the Bare Island museum. A further batch of much larger shells is still to be salvaged by the group after the safety of such an operation is verified.

The U.R.G. Diving Schools are still being regularly conducted and if anyone is seriously interested in assisting as an instructor, David Landor, who is running the schools, would be pleased to hear from you.

Several new members have joined the committee, which for general information is listed alphabetically below. Any of these men will be pleased to answer your questions regarding club activities and to put forward your ideas and suggestions at committee meetings.

Helmut Apel, Barrie Bowden, Howard Couch, Frank Davis, Jon Jansons, Barry Jentsch, David Landor, Clarrie Lawler, Les Leigh, Bryan Robertson, Wez Tyler.

The club has decided to assist the Shark Research Group with the printing of a newsletter. It will publicise the objects, activities and results of the groups research. The group needs keen divers to assist in several projects now being formulated. Contact David Landor, who is one of the U.R.G. members in the Shark Research Group for details.

Members are reminded that the U.R.G. now dives every Sunday morning at Congwong Bay, La Perouse. At these dives, other supplementary dives at a variety of locations are often arranged. New divers are always welcome and needed to assist in research projects now underway. The club still holds its monthly dive as usual, and all members are particularly requested to attend if possible. The location of these monthly dives is announced at the general meeting preceding it.


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